The Charmed

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Using Talismans to Overcome Scarcity Mindset and Create Abundance

The best part? You already have everything you need.

The word "abundance" can have a cringy undertone, especially when it ties back to so many ~love and light~ vibes and feels reminiscent of LOA (Law of Attraction) bullshit. We're not saying that if that works for you and you're into that stuff to knock it off, but we do want to make sure that we're all aware of how most manifestation tools conveniently ignore any mention of privilege. That we will not tolerate.

Look up abundance in the dictionary, and you'll see that it just means that you have a lot of something; that you have plenty of it. We love the word "plentifulness" because it reminds us that we do not need an infinite amount of something to be satiated; we have enough plus a little extra, and we can get more if needed.

Most of us default to running on a scarcity mindset. The concept of scarcity is what capitalism (and America) is built on. But you know what? YOU DON'T NEED THAT TRASH IN YOUR GORGEOUS, BRILLIANT BRAIN! Skip it, babe. You don't need the man's voice in your head, keeping you down. But of course, you already knew that 😘

You also already know that privilege plays a huge role in everything from our opportunities to our day to day survival and is not possible for one to positive-think their way out of systemic oppression. But, that doesn't take away from the power that comes from choosing to treat ourselves well. Overcoming the echoes of what we "should" or "deserve" or need to "earn" is difficult, especially if we've believed those voices all our lives. Being stuck in a scarcity mindset keeps us from believing in ourselves and our embracing our capabilities.

The other thing you already know? Confidence takes you places. And you already have it. Because you are a powerhouse. You are a goddexx. You are fucking magical.

There are many tools to increase confidence, and today we are highlighting how talismans can bring us added trust and protection. Using visual reminders can help us achieve financial goals, and what is a talisman but a witchy visual reminder? Seriously — assigning a certain meaning, value, or reminder to an object can be a huge help as we strive to meet our goals. Let's leverage our own intuitive powers and proven goal-setting methods to banish these limiting beliefs and really embrace that abundance mindset. You're worth it bb!

This might sound like a daunting task, but you've got this. Remember: this is a marathon, not a sprint. We've made this ritual below with you in mind, so please dive in and feel free to share your thoughts with the community.

Our rituals are suggestions, listen to your intuition to determine what elements speak to you, and feel free to leave the rest.


You’ll need:

  • A journal and pen

  • A candle (preferably black or white)

  • Symbol representing something you'd like to have more of in your life

Begin by taking a moment to get settled in your space. Start your practice in your favorite way; whether that is casting a circle, cleansing your space with smoke, journaling, or anything else that feels right. Set your candle, journal and pen, and symbolic element before you.

Take a few deep breaths. As you inhale, envision roots sprouting from the base of your spine. As you exhale, feel the roots grow deeper below you. Continue breathing and allow your roots to reach the center of the earth. With your next inhale, focus on your body and the space you are so righteously taking up wherever you are.

Once you feel connected to the earth and your body, open your journal and begin to take an inventory of your needs. Start with basic things, such as shelter, food, loving relationships, support, etc. Once you feel like you've sufficiently listed your needs, take a moment to read over your page. Acknowledge and honor your needs, embracing your human nature. Are there needs that you are ignoring? Needs that you are ashamed of? Needs that could better be classified as wants?

Begin to list your wants as well. These can be simple or complex, realistic or a stretch. Allow your mind to wander as you jot down immaterial and material desires that you crave. Consider all of your wants that have already been met, and be sure to include those in your list as well.

Take a few deep breaths and look over your page. Are these wants and needs serving you? Are the items you have listed learned behaviors or societal pressures? Are they values that you believe you should have? Are these actual values of yours that truly serve you? There will probably be more than one answer for each item listed, and that's okay. You do not need to feel ashamed for any items on your list — just let your mind wander as you consider the roots of your values.

Now, begin to center yourself again. Remind yourself of your connection to the earth and your body. Take a few deep breaths and thank your perfectly imperfect body for supporting you through this life. As you open your eyes, look over all that you've written down and note opportunities for gratitude. Write down all that you have to be grateful for as you review your lists. Let your pen flow freely with the abundant honor of all that you have, embody, contain, and have access to. Once you feel you are complete, set down your pen.

Again, take a few cleansing breaths. Repeat to yourself: I am worthy. I have so much already, and there is so much more that will come to me. There is no upper limit to my happiness, success, bliss, and pleasure. I am powerful. I am holy. I am capable of surpassing my wildest desires.

Once you feel centered, take your symbolic object and hold it close to your heart. Take as much time as you need to fully envision the version of you who fully embraces your abundant self.

What do you look like? What are you doing? How do you present yourself or conduct your behavior? How do you feel? Allow your mind to get lost in loving this abundant version of yourself. Honor yourself for all the work you've done to get to that place.

Watch your abundant self turn in a circle, emerging with the symbolic object you've chosen for this ritual. Watch as your abundant self steps towards you and hands you the symbolic object. This object is now sacred, it is now a talisman of abundance. It is yours to cherish, share, and enjoy.

Place this sacred talisman next to your candle. Light the candle and set it up in a space where it can burn safely with your talisman near it. As you step away from the burning candle, say to yourself: The light of this candle represents my eternal abundance. The brightness shines upon myself and this holy talisman as a reminder of my power and potential. When this candle is extinguished, it releases any inhibitions I have held regarding my worth and value. I am blessed with this holy talisman to serve as a reminder of what my abundant self has given me, and I embrace it with all of my body and spirit. Allow the candle to burn for at least one hour, if possible.

You have given yourself permission to thrive in abundance. You watched your abundant self hand you the talisman that will protect and remind you of this magnificence. Once you feel ready, place the talisman in a spot that you will see it regularly. Each time you see it, ask yourself what your abundant self would do at this moment. Allow it to guide you towards the gratitude for all the abundance that already exists in your life, and for it to bring you endless opportunities.

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